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Sunny Kim

October is start of LASER SZN, let’s GO!

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

Oh boy, where do I even start? What was supposed to be an intense and exciting kick-off to LASER SZN (fall means tans fade, and we laser laser laser the heck out of sun-damaged skin to restore you back to healthy and bright complexions), is going to begin with my most personal address to the SKin Phi Tribe.

October is about restoration and redemption.

I am turning 50 this month. My intentions of keeping it as low key and somber as possible have been thwarted. A little medical emergency has forced me to BE STILL and as we all know, reflecting on your own health and mortality is a life changing experience. I consider my brief 6 day hospitalization a GIFT. I saw and learned things (and still gleaning lessons from events that passed and how it has affected me). I can say that I am not the same mother, daughter, sister, friend, neighbour, or NURSE that I was before Sept 22.

I worked my first day yesterday and was overwhelmed with GRATITUDE for being able to care for my patients again. I was desperate to get back to feeling purposeful and rewarded by the work that I love. Being cared for in hospital was such a different experience for me, I have never been sick enough to be hospitalized before, and although I had foundations in medical oncology and orthopaedic surgery as a young nurse, I had some revelations about what it means to be not just a good nurse or doctor, but a GREAT ONE. Reflecting on this privilege of being your NURSE has made me really dig deep into why we do what we do, why we do things the WAY that we do at SKin Phi. It really is about looking at you HOLISTICALLY. Being cared for as a sick patient, I felt the difference between health professionals who looked at me as a lab value versus a WHOLE being, with mind/body/soul dimensions. The most stark metric seemed to be whether or not they cared about my PAIN. Pain is an intimate and terrifying thing at that level, and when someone uses all their brain power and resources to address something that’s “invisible and subjective” it means they see your soul- and they CARE.

The difference in attitude and perspective makes ALL the difference. I know we obsess about your skin health and beauty, but did you know we care as much about your mind, your happiness, your stress levels, your work/life balance, your budget, your timeline and goals, your family? We do!

COMPASSION and patient advocacy is a duty of nursing. Florence Nightingale, the “Lady with the Lamp” was a social reformer, statistician, and founder of modern nursing. Nursing week is celebrated on her birthday in May every year. May I hold my syringe and needle, and may @dermnurseLara wield her laser and device handpieces with the spirit of compassion, excellence, and patient advocacy exemplified by Ms. Nightingale. This is a call out to all nurses and clinicians in general, to go back to the roots of why we CARE for patients. The recent advent of the “glamour-nurse” or “celeb doctors” on Insta is disturbing and misleading to me. I must confess that I love beauty, seeing beauty in ALL things, not just in your face and your skin. But we administer and manage medical procedures, this is not like buying lipstick at Sephora. When we say ’NO” to our patients it is because we want what is BEST for their interests, sometimes a laser treatment or filler syringe is not best, or just “not now, later”. Sometimes you just need sunscreen or a hug, and you must trust that it’s because we want what is safest and best for YOU. Other than that, almost EVERYONE in the world can benefit from my Botox injections and a little laser love from dermnurseLara.

Thank you for your trust, SKin Phi Tribe. Love yourself, please. You are SO beautiful.

Now, a send off with one of my favourite characters from SNL, I CELEBRATE becoming 50 next week. “I can kick, and stretch, and KICK. I’m 50 years old!” #sallyomalley #gratitude


LASER SZN IS HERE, you’re Welcome.

@dermnurseLara recently attended another Sciton RockStar advanced User Summit and she was featured as expert clinician for the eJoule BBL and MOXI. SKin Phi was appointed Moxi Laser Brand Ambassador for Canada when we first introduced it to Ottawa in July 2022. And here‘s the proof… look at our brag-book of rejuvenated and restored skin health through BBL, Moxi, SkinTyte and combination eJoule therapies. Get your skin in here and let dermnurseLara start her engines….

Remember, your 4th BBL treatment session is at no cost. When you do 3 sessions, your 4th one is free, no prepaying, no package. We treat bespoke to YOUR schedule and believe that there is no cookie cutter recipes when it comes to restoring your skin. #bespokeskincare


Sofwave…Got Lift?

Proof is in the Lift. Skin density thins and gets lax or saggy as we lose fat pads, collagen, elastin and other essential components of younger tissue such as hyaluronic acid in the dermal matrix. What’s the solution? Firming and tightening procedures that stimulate new collagen/elastin formation, as well as CONTRACT the existing collagen bed.

How does this combine with Injectable Filler to lift or contour? It’s true that skillfully placed Filler can “lift” vectors of the face, but only when injected into the strategic anatomy which interplays with the retaining ligaments, and respects the natural limitations of fascia and all the different layers of skin, muscle, fat and bony structure. Also, vectors can only be lifted non-surgically when the skin envelope is dense enough to be manipulated that way: “You can only lift from the curtain rod if the curtain is thick and intact”. Imagine an overly stretched curtain fabric that still gathers on the floor, despite trying to ”lift” the rod up. Doesn‘t work.

This is what Sofwave does almost magically. We say “magic” because ultrasound is one of those energy sources which we don’t “see” with our human eyes. A sonography image can display how the ultrasound energy interacts with tissue and cells below the skin surface. The patented Parallel Beam technology in Sofwave is unique and is the brainchild of Dr. Shimon Eckhouse, co-inventor of IPL and many other laser technologies such as the original ESC Sharplan CO2 laser. I worked with Dr. Eckhouse at Syneron for 6 years, and he is the real deal. A physicist who loves technology, medicine and has the heart of a gentle lion. He surrounds himself with winning talent and almost everything he touches turns to gold. This is why I investigated the Sofwave in 2021 and then brought it into SKin Phi when we opened our doors.

Dr. Sharyn Laughlin, our dermatologist mentor, always tested things out on herself. Her pioneering spirit lives on in us, and we only endorse and use technology that has sound science and research behind it, and actually WORKS in the real world, not just on paper. That’s why we believe in her ZINC- and if you haven’t yet tried the reincarnated EVERY MORNING all-zinc sunscreen, get with the program and do it!

SOFWAVE is here to stay, exclusively at SKin Phi. You’re Welcome :)

Later this month we share special Patient Journeys for the Sofwave; we are having a private media-fueled VIP Sofwave lounge on Oct 17, and will share all the exciting things that come out of this day to celebrate yet another SKin Phi exclusive.

(Also, Oct 17 is when I turn 50, so we are eating cake for breakfast and wearing fancy shoes!)


Juvederm SKINVIVE injectable Skin Booster (formerly Volite)

Sometimes our humble little country boasts having technology YEARS in advance of the Americans being introduced to it. Juvederm Volite, as we used to call it in Canada, has been a wonderful skin booster that adds brightening and hydration to skin that is dull, dehydrated, crepey and sallow. I love it for softening pores, crepey skin, dark circles under eyes and as the most subtle lipline softener (for those who afraid of lip filler but need to “try on” a little lip plump that might last about 9 months). Suitable for those who don’t have time right now for laser or energy based therapies to grow their own collagen/elastin, or for “finishing touches” after you have been resurfaced or rejuvenated.

Here’s the best part…. Since the US has launched SKINVIVE (aka Volite), we also get to provide this easy and simple treatment to you at a LOWER PRICE POINT. This means, it is easier than ever to invest in your skin quality and give yourself the gift of “geez, your skin looks so bright and smooth!” Call to ask about our SKINVIVE specials going on. Not all skin boosters are created equal. I only use Juvederm SKINVIVE (formerly Volite) because it immediately looks beautiful (no temporary bumps or welts in the skin as seen with other types of skin booster treatments), and just one single session lasts 9-12 months. It does not require repeat sessions 1 and 2 months later! Research your injector, ask about the products they choose and the techniques they perfect.

Watch this video demonstrating on our beautiful patient, Tara, showing her right side of the face immediately after SKINVIVE (Volite) treatment. We could call it a no downtime treatment, as you can see she doesn’t look like she just received a bunch of little needle pokes on the right side of her face, but injections always come with a small risk of bruising. So best to still leave about a week before any big social or picture taking events.

(What I just did for Tara would have cost in the “olden days” more than $2500, is NOW offered to SKin Phi patients for less than $1300!) #passalongsavings.

Thank you Allergan, maker of Juvederm, the best filler products in the world. Period.


Nurse in the City, episode 6 is dropping soon on

Instagram with @nursesunnykim

This is Holly…

Holly is of course a special soul, which is why she is our episode 6 NITC story. A cross between Ruby Rose and Marilyn Monroe, she is an enigma, multifaceted, strong woman. Just the kind we love.

Stay tuned for the journey of Holly’s self-care relationship with

The Needle WhispererTM!

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